2010 Wilson Reunion - Ridgeland, MS   June 25-26, 2010

As the pictures of the 55 people below indicate, we had a good turnout for our 2010 reunion.  

Our thanks to Saranell Dickerson, Judy Hand, Billy Thompson and all who helped them set up this great event. 

The attendees came from coastal states on both sides of the U.S.A. and many points in between. 


Billy Thompson's reunion write-up

Videos of stories told at reunion

If any names are wrong, out-of-order, or misspelled  please email the webmaster and we will make corrections - dcbarton5@tx.rr.com



Descendants of Helen Wilson Carnes Hutchinson & John & Lee

Beth Murphy, Curt Murphy, Saranell Dickerson, Shirley Strickland, Gerald Strickland,

Sonia Strickland, Rob McCafferty, Melanie McCafferty, Sara McCafferty


Descendants of Fannie Wilson Jamison & Sak

Robin Welmers, Sarah Faulkner, Dottie Jamison, Ben Jamison, Dorothy Jamison Wilson,

Ted Jamison, Karle Jean Jamison Delgado, Dan Stribling, Rosemary Stribling


Descendants of Dixie Wilson Robertson & Marvin

Ashton Felder, Terri Felder, Tristen Felder, Terry Felder, Tarra Felder, Ivy Kruzan,

 Billie Jean Baker, Brian Kruzan, Elton Baker, Richard Lee Copley


Descendants of Abijah Howard Wilson & Pattie

Madelyn Ball, Gina Wilson


Descendants of John Fowler Wilson & Hettie

Margaret Frame, Ken Frame, Rhonda Rawls, Keith Rawls, Sharon Rawls, Janet Davis, Jesse Rawls, Morgan Davis, Rex Davis, Joe Bannon, Carolyn Bannon, Sue Barton Thomas, Judy Hand,

George Hand, Hanna Grace Hand, Carley Hand, Johnan Hand, Michael Hand, Lillie Claire Hand, Paula Hand, Jeff Hand, Helen Thompson, Billy Thompson, Margie Barton, Donny Barton